A Theory of Theories

A coming together for the practical and visionary, to realign around mission, to shake off old patterns and welcome the ever-changing landscape we work and live within.

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Anna Yelland
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We held our Small Giants Academy strategy retreat amongst drooping willow, dahlia harvest and newly planted olive orchard of Mossy Willow Farm. A coming together for the practical and visionary, to realign around mission, to shake off old patterns and welcome the ever-changing landscape we work and live within.

It always feels necessary to remind ourselves why we do the things we do, the way we do them. When it came to revisiting our mission, nothing was new. It continues to ground us, empower and nurture us:

Small Giants Academy Theory of Change

If we inspire, educate and activate the influencers of our society (inputs)

By sharing stories, running programs and supporting ideas(activities)

It will lead to emotionally healthy, capable and wise leaders (outputs)

And ultimately a next economy based on empathy and connection (impact)

Though just when I thought we’d skip through to our five pillars of the next economy, Danny (Co-Founder) brought up ‘Our theory of Theories,’which almost lost me. How many theories can one theorise before 10am? But quickly realised its importance upon the wall. In teasing it out, we resurfaced and acknowledged that we cannot do this alone, we do not have all the answers, we are leading this space from our own heads, hearts and hands, to turn this ship around we need many hopeful future theories on deck. In response to Our Theory of Change, came the, very frank, theory of theories:

Our Theory of Theories

Note that this is our theory. For it to work, we need others who are focused on other theories, such as moving the masses or working from within large corporations. We believe we need a diversity of theories of change, but all with the same goal of leading towards connection and an economic system based on love rather than fear.

We also don’t want a single global next economy. The next economy is a collection of hundreds of localised economies, adapted to their unique environment and culture. But for the global system to function and allow interdependence, there are some fundamental rules for all these economies such as waste equals food, non-violence, don’t crap in your neighbour’s yard, honour your elders and protect your children.

Within an ethical fundamental framework which brings the flourishing of planet and people to the forefront, we must each identify, build and act on our theories. Shoulders fall away from my ears, as I rested in relief of our shared responsibility. Not adopting an unperturbed approach, since the pressure is off but remembering that there are many paths which need to be formed, walked, explored to guide us closer to where we are going. A responsibility to each other, to the planet, to our children, to future generations, to ourselves, to live and work aligned with our purpose, our own theories of change.

There lies a wide berth between theory and practice or action, the space between where ideas become reality, intention becomes tangible. The beauty is a theory cannot apply itself. Rarely the theoretician can do the applying. As Kant wrote “no matter how complete the theory may be a middle term is required between theory and practice, proving a transition from one to the other.” The Small Giants Academy is that place of transition.Where ideas, theories, leaders come to mobilise into action, practice for a conscious living world.

I often worry I’m not doing enough, not grass roots enough, not activist enough, not climate literate enough, not in service enough, not enough. Though when I return to the Academy’s mission and my contribution to it, I feel reassured that I am best placed to create meaningful change.Reminded I can trust those circling around me to find and follow their purpose, to fill the gaps where I’ve fallen short, or simply am not most useful. Trust.

This unearthing of shared theories activated something within. So, this is an invitation to contribute your theory to the story of us.This is an invitation to engage with those bringing their own theories to the table, activating their resources, forging innovative paths toward our sharedhopeful future.










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