Hopeful Leadership Now Briefing #5

Hopeful news headlines from the month of November

min read
Kaj Lofgren
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Welcome to our Hopeful Leadership Now Briefing. This is a monthly compilation of hopeful news that speaks to our five impact pillars: self & community, natural environment, built environment, democracy & justice, and business & capital. We hope this briefing shines a light on our pathway to the next economy.

Welcome to the Hopeful Leadership Now briefing for November 2020. We are now into the fifth day in a row of 0 new COVID-19 cases in Melbourne and the border between VIC and NSW is about to reopen. Globally, and in the shadows of the US election, we have lots of positive climate news, with public policy shifts, activist wins, and moves from big business. Perhaps, just perhaps, 2020 will be seen as a tipping point in our climate emergency.

  • TED Countdown was held last month, profiling a host of incredible speakers on the theme of accelerating solutions to the climate crisis and turning ideas into action. All sessions can be viewed here and we would especially recommend How to be a Good Ancestor (7 mins) by Roman Krznaric.
  • Jacinda Ardern and the New Zealand Labour Party have won the national election in a landslide on the back of strong climate policies and a suite of social policies to support the most vulnerable population groups. PM Ardern has now announced a diverse and inclusive cabinet with two Greens MPs also included in the outer cabinet.
  • Finally, here at SGA we have released our Mastery of Business and Empathy (MBE) and are seeking applications for our 2021 program. We live in an historic moment of turmoil, transition and opportunity. Our system has been fundamentally disrupted and the next economy is emerging through the cracks of the old. The MBE reinvents and extends the traditional MBA, equipping leaders with a regenerative understanding of the tools, strategies and philosophies to successfully lead next economy organisations. Apply now!

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