A Prayer for Work

A moment to pause on what it is we are working towards.

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Dan Madhavan
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I pray for a place. A place to do our work. A place on the frontier. Between the light of the hearth fire and the darkness beyond. One neither too safe nor too dangerous. One of curiosity and growth. A place where questions are as treasured as answers.  

I pray for wisdom and understanding to discern what is right. Not the hollow wisdom of a mind’s lone voice, but the deeper wisdom of our hearts and minds in song. From the wholeness of that wisdom I ask for courage to act with purpose and grace to act with compassion.  

I pray for joy. That we may experience the satisfaction of our work. Like a gardener that soaks up the shape of a day’s labour. I ask that we may receive a quiet pride. One not drawn from the well of self-righteousness but from the gentle flowing stream of humility and service.  

I pray that we might stand as a circle. One in which all gifts are received. Where all gifts belong.  Where all gifts are valued. One where we hold space for each to do our own inner work. A circle where I hold space for you. A circle where you hold space for me.

I pray for a time of dreaming. Of imagining and reimagining. A time to create. Where the path behind us only serves to tell us where we are right now, not where we can go tomorrow. A time for new beginnings, for the dawn, and for the new day ahead.

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