What drew you to the MBE program at the Small Giants Academy?
I saw the MBE as an opportunity to learn different perspectives about purpose driven leadership, particularly in facing contemporary challenges – such as how to reconcile traditional corporate outcomes (profit) with sustainability and stewardship of the environment. I was also interested in growing my network outside of the government and defence sectors. It was refreshing to hear new perspectives and meet new people.

What industry do you work in currently? I work in the government sector – in defence and national security.
Dreaming is free. If you could change one element of the system as you see it, what would that be? Incentivisation and recognition of businesses that have sustainable production systems and product disposal. After doing the MBE, I discovered the story of Patagonia and have come to admire Yvon Chouinard. He had an amazing vision for building a new business model and was courageous enough to follow it through. Wouldn’t it be great if other businesses followed in Patagonia’s footsteps? We also need to take a longitudinal approach to security – to invest in the foundations of society that will benefit us in the long term – like education and health care. These are enablers for stable, innovative, and prosperous societies.
Which superpower would you choose: Flying, super strength, reading minds, time travel, controlling the weather? I would actually choose the ability to speak all the languages on Earth – every single one! I think that learning a language provides a unique insight into a culture and a world view, and rewires how your brain works. I was lucky enough to do a lot of travel this year and I was constantly reminded of the importance of language as a gateway to communication and understanding.
What is one book, poem or film that has made a profound impact on you, and why? It has to be Dead Poets Society! I love a good story about rebellion and identity and of brave people who dare to buck the system to allow people to learn something new. It inspired me to always question the status quo. And I don’t mean that change should happen for its own sake, but there are times when the fundamental assumptions about how things are done need to be reviewed and evolved. I would have loved to have been in Mr Keating’s English class!
Who is a living person or organisation whose wisdom is needed and brings hope for the moment we find ourselves in? Definitely Yvon Chouinard and Patagonia. He and the company stand as a testament to what is possible when we see ourselves and our existence on Earth as part of something bigger and more timeless than our short lives here. We need more of that in businesses – its not all just about growth and greed.
What advice would you give a school leaver about how to live a good life? My advice comes from the wise coach Ted Lasso: ‘Be curious, not judgemental’. Curiosity opens you to learning – the more you learn, the more you realise how much you don’t know or understand!
Where do you go – internally or externally – to tap into your inner peace? To the pool! I love to go for a long swim. I also like to sit in the back yard and read a book all day!